My beautiful daughter, Anna Luca was born in 2010, which was the greatest and the happiest period of my life. I still have this wonderful feeling that she chose me. It is marvelous that she is with me, she was born and she is brought up as a clever, wise, beautiful and open person in this world. The feeling of having her is so perfect that I can hardly find words. She is the most important for me in the world.
Running – time and place for meditation, peace, taking it easy, releasing stress, having creative thoughts, ideas. Running, running, running at least twice a week. A lot. Slowly but long distances. For my figure, stamina, balance and thoughts.
Being out – especially with Anna Luca. The sun, the water, the wind, the moon, the stars, the clouds, the flowers, the mountains, the trees, the rain, the snow, the cold, the heat, anything that can be perceived, seen, enjoyed, given by God.
Travelling – seeing something different and new, being on the road, meetings, curiosity, experiences, beauties
Friends – support, being together, common experiences, love, caring attention, tears, fun
My parents, my sister – strong ties, I am grateful to them
Sailing – The sunshine, water and wind recharge my batteries. Among friends it is like a paradise.
Reading – I can be anywhere, anything can happen, I travel in my imagination when I read, everything else disappears and the plot takes me to faraway places, to the answers.