Business Coach Academy, Qualified Business Coach
(2011 – 2012)
European Academy, Kinezology Faculty (2007-2009)
Malvern Language School – English course (London, 2001 February-March)
Hanza Language School – English course (Toronto, 1998 August-September)
Film and TV Producers Academy, Sir Alexander Korda Foundation,1995-1996 (Diploma 1995)
College of International Trade: Postgraduate Course on the Faculty of Public Relations 1995-96 (Diploma of PR in the Field of Specialized Economics 1996)
College of Public Administration 1988-91 (Diploma 1991)
Grammar School (Táncsics Mihály, Kaposvár, Hungary, baccalaureate 1988)
Trinity Collage London ESOL&GESE – Intermediate level exam in English (oral and written)
Certificate for inland waterways skipper of motor boat and skipper of sailing boat